Dependent on God

Psalm 34:5

Those who look to God are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

This was the theme verse at the Bible study I attended yesterday.

Here are some other thoughts from bible study;

The speaker shared about her dog who came to her needy, he has a need to be loved. He often interrupts her when she sits down to write (she is a gifted writer), it starts with moans which she ignores but gradually becomes yaps. She then picks him up and loves him for a bit. She doesn’t like to be interrupted, but appreciates him because —- he knows he is needy and knows how to satisfy that need.

1 John 3:1

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

We were encouraged to look to God first to be meet our need to be loved.

A journey of learning.

From day one of Mommy-hood I started to learn. I have talked to Mom’s all along life’s path and I have seen that each is still learning. Learning to let go, learning to balance, learning a new role, it’s one sharp learning curve.

I am learning or have learned;

1) Each child is made oh so different. I have one that cried as a toddler when she really did get hurt, I have one that hollered as a toddler when she thought she got hurt, I have one that laughs when she bangs her head fairly hard. All under one roof. Each needing love in their own way. I am learning to embrace those differences and love who they are.

3) To discipline in love. To let my children know that even though they make wrong choices sometimes, they are loved so much. Show love in my eyes (a hard one sometimes) and end in a hug. Sometimes pray with them, thanking God for them, thanking God for loving us always.

4) To make me a focal point for change and not my children. To understand it is not my role to change my children, but rather to love them and teach them. I get less frustrated with this realization.

5) To stop trying to change them because I need something or something might reflect badly on me.

6)  “God loves you and I love you and that’s they way it should be,” I like to sing this to my children sometimes. I want them to know that I love them and even more importantly that God loves them. Little children can be guided to God’s love.

7) To make sure my children understand that I love them when they’re happy, I love them when they are sad, I love them when they are mad, I love them when they are silly, I love them no matter what!!

I am on a journey of learning and being content in my learning. Learning usually means that weaknesses are being brought out. I am practicing bringing those to God. Asking God to work on me. Still, I do not want them to be the focus.

I want God to be the focus. I find when I spend my time trying to fix all the wrongs or mulling them over in my mind I feel very stressed. When I bring things to God in prayer I know that he does not want me to carry these things as a burden.

Philippians 4:8    Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.

I still may have those same issues to deal with, but when I hand them over to God it is so much better. God does not want me to carry those burdens. God wants to help me all along life’s journey. God wants me to trust God with everything.